Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Originally uploaded by Pips Jewellery Creation
Spring is everywhere at the moment. The cherry blossom trees are in full, wonderful bloom and the Lilacs are just beginning to put on their glory. Tulips are taking over from the last of the daffodils and early clematis and wisteria are hinting at how beautiful they will be in a couple of weeks time.

When surrounded by all this new life it is hardly surprising that some of it finds it's way into my Polymer Clay!

This bracelet is made of over a hundred little flower buds, just giving a hint of how pretty they are going to be when they are in full bloom. A lovely golden green outer casing with the softest of peach inside.

I thought Abundance was just the right name for it!



Laura Sparling said...

Wow! The bracelet is beautiful. I do so love chunky, fringey, jiggly and rattly bracelets. They always feel (and sound) nice to wear.

Fab work!

Laura x

Fiona said...

Gosh. That is a ludricous amount of work. But it is lovely.

Pips said...

Thank you so much Laura - and what a brilliant description!!

Thank you so much Fiona - it did take a while, but it is always worth it when it is all finished!

Cindy Lietz, Polymer Clay Tutor said...

Beautiful name for a beautiful necklace! Abundance indeed!

Pips said...

Thank you so much Cindy!

Unknown said...

This is really beautiful. I came across you on Flickr, your work is lovely,
pam x