I haven't done a huge amount of work in it yet, as we have been away for a couple of weeks down to Cornwall for some well earned rest and relaxation. Bodyboarding, beach combing, eating well and walking lots - a glorious time in our favourite part of the world.
Now we are back to reality, however the children are still on holiday for 3 weeks before starting the new school year and so my work time is somewhat curtailed.
What work I have managed to do has taken place in what I keep feeling is someone else's studio - surely this wonderful space cannot be mine? It is all a little dream like - and I feel like I am playing at being a polymer clay artist rather than actually being one! The work space will need tweeking to get things exactly as I need them, but that will be something that happens over time as I work and get to grips with having so much space.
The HUGE desk is divided into 2 spaces, one for claying and one for assembly and this for me is the biggest and best change. No more having to clear away the clay in order to make up the jewellery. Utter bliss.
The photos show everything, including our newly decorated sitting room and dining area, which lead into my studio room. Everything is looking clean and fresh and new and I love it.
Hope you enjoy the photos and hopefully my muse will want to stay for extended periods of time in this lovely space. I know I do!
We are off to a wedding at the weekend and to see close family over from Canada that we haven't seen for years - I can hardly wait!
Hope your weekend is full of fun too.