Tuesday, 24 April 2012

A Leave of Absence

Lovely Blogger Friends, I need to take a leave of absence for a little while.

My lovely Mum is very ill at present and I am caring for her pretty much full time now.  So please bear with me.  I do not have the time at the moment to blog and did not all want you wondering what had happened, so hence this update.

I will be back as soon as I can and I hope you all will be able to join me again when time permits.

I will still be watching for all your beautiful creations that you post and checking out Facebook when I can.

Thank you all so much for understanding.

With much love


Tuesday, 3 April 2012

10 Minute Warning!!!

Ok, maybe a little more than 10 minutes!

I am off to wonderful Cornwall in a couple of days, so just wanted to give you all a bit of warning that my Etsy Shop will be put into Vacation Mode on Wednesday Night for about a week.

So if you have had your eye on any of my beads, if you order tonight or early tomorrow (remember I am working on UK time here!!) then I will have time to make your beads and get them shipped to you!

And just to tickle your fancy....some new Disc Beads!

Disc Beads in Duck Egg, Bassalt and Savanna
I have been experimenting with making a Faux Ceramic Mix in a Duck Egg Blue and finally got the colour I wanted.

Now of course after all that effort I couldn't think of a thing to make with it!!!!  Why is that always the way?

So I decided the best thing to do was to make some Disc Beads in all three colours whilst I wait for Lady Muse to put in an appearance!  Actually, I was really pleased with these Discs - really versatile and lovely and aged looking!

They are available in my Etsy Shop now if you would like a closer look.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter.  I will miss you all whilst I am away, but will be back, renewed, refreshed and hopefully with lots of lovely Cornish Inspiration, not to mention a picture or 300 to share with you!
